Forage Preservation
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Forage Preservation
Maximising home grown feeds lies at the core of Berry’s Agriculture
Due to the current volatile climate, making the most efficient use of home grown forages and feeds has never been so important. With feed costs representing around half of the cost of milk production, producing top quality forage from within our Coolferm Silage additive range can help maximise feed conversion efficiency
The Berry's Range
Our Products

Coolferm BIO Low DM
Coolferm BIO Low DM is a combination of lactobacillus plantarum and lactobacillus paracasei. It saves 5% extra energy in clamp and reduces protein breakdown by 20%. Lactobacillus paracasei is also used as it can detect low sugars in grass and use the fructans stored in leaf of grass for growth.

Coolferm BIO High DM
Coolferm BIO High DM is a combination of pediococcus acidlactici and lactobacillus brevis. This product works at pH6.5, so it ensures a rapid start to fermentation. Lactobacillus brevis is also used to inhibit moulds and yeasts, and this will aid in the reduction of secondary fermentation and wasteage.

Coolferm Preserve (Preservative)
Coolferm Preservative is a combination of Sodium benzoate, Potassium sorbate and Sodium nitrite plus Coolferm Preserve+ bacteria. The chemicals used prevent moulds and yeasts, whilst the innoculant is used to ensure controlled fermentation. It typically doubles stability and reduces mycotoxins.